version bump to 0.4.9 and flutter upgrade

Stefan Haslinger 2020-09-25 09:21:36 +02:00
parent 72987c004e
commit e5c4d6394d
5 changed files with 589 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
{"info":"This is a generated file; do not edit or check into version control.","plugins":{"ios":[{"name":"flutter_secure_storage","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"package_info","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"sqflite","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"uni_links","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"android":[{"name":"flutter_secure_storage","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"package_info","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"sqflite","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"uni_links","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"macos":[{"name":"package_info","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider_macos","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences_macos","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"sqflite","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher_macos","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"linux":[{"name":"path_provider_linux","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences_linux","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":["path_provider_linux"]},{"name":"url_launcher_linux","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"windows":[],"web":[{"name":"shared_preferences_web","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher_web","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}]},"dependencyGraph":[{"name":"flutter_secure_storage","dependencies":[]},{"name":"package_info","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","dependencies":["path_provider_macos","path_provider_linux"]},{"name":"path_provider_linux","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider_macos","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences","dependencies":["shared_preferences_linux","shared_preferences_macos","shared_preferences_web"]},{"name":"shared_preferences_linux","dependencies":["path_provider_linux"]},{"name":"shared_preferences_macos","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences_web","dependencies":[]},{"name":"sqflite","dependencies":[]},{"name":"uni_links","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher","dependencies":["url_launcher_web","url_launcher_linux","url_launcher_macos"]},{"name":"url_launcher_linux","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher_macos","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher_web","dependencies":[]}],"date_created":"2020-09-25 08:26:23.116834","version":"1.20.1"}
{"info":"This is a generated file; do not edit or check into version control.","plugins":{"ios":[{"name":"flutter_secure_storage","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"package_info","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"sqflite","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"uni_links","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"android":[{"name":"flutter_secure_storage","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"package_info","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"sqflite","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"uni_links","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"macos":[{"name":"package_info","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider_macos","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences_macos","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"sqflite","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher_macos","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"linux":[{"name":"path_provider_linux","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences_linux","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":["path_provider_linux"]},{"name":"url_launcher_linux","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}],"windows":[],"web":[{"name":"shared_preferences_web","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher_web","path":"/daten/flutter/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/","dependencies":[]}]},"dependencyGraph":[{"name":"flutter_secure_storage","dependencies":[]},{"name":"package_info","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider","dependencies":["path_provider_macos","path_provider_linux"]},{"name":"path_provider_linux","dependencies":[]},{"name":"path_provider_macos","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences","dependencies":["shared_preferences_linux","shared_preferences_macos","shared_preferences_web"]},{"name":"shared_preferences_linux","dependencies":["path_provider_linux"]},{"name":"shared_preferences_macos","dependencies":[]},{"name":"shared_preferences_web","dependencies":[]},{"name":"sqflite","dependencies":[]},{"name":"uni_links","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher","dependencies":["url_launcher_web","url_launcher_linux","url_launcher_macos"]},{"name":"url_launcher_linux","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher_macos","dependencies":[]},{"name":"url_launcher_web","dependencies":[]}],"date_created":"2020-09-25 09:19:38.144404","version":"1.20.4"}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
* `2020-09-25 08:50` [72987c0]( - (HEAD -> master, origin/master, oberwart/master, github/master) filter for valid ecors only"
* `2020-09-25 08:37` [c27de5d]( - sport selector for power,pace vs distance and power/hr
* `2020-09-24 16:04` [624e413]( - type annotations
* `2020-09-24 16:02` [f33296d]( - sport selector for ftp and power ratio athlete diagrams
* `2020-09-24 15:56` [b3104e8]( - sport selector for ecor and power athlete diagrams
* `2020-09-24 15:49` [62b8128]( - sport selector for styd cadence and speed per heart rate athlete diagrams
* `2020-09-24 15:41` [0dbe8c2]( - sport selector for pace and hr athlete diagrams
* `2020-09-24 14:58` [dfd1d2c]( - add 'all' option to sports for moving time and distance to select all activities
* `2020-09-24 14:31` [8af3d32]( - sizing of lap bars"
* `2020-09-24 13:13` [b7b4c0d]( - skip pauses by moving ahead lastTimestamp with every start event
* `2020-09-24 11:50` [2e9d11d]( - extend record list to be an event list
* `2020-09-23 17:06` [732f838]( - optimize record viewer for smaller devices
* `2020-09-23 16:52` [9079401]( - show record details on selection for lap pace screen
* `2020-09-23 15:46` [7f8a681]( - invert drawing order to let last activity stand out
* `2020-09-23 15:42` [45cf92a]( - pace vs distance chart
* `2020-09-23 15:32` [607dcb5]( - capture shorter activity lists
* `2020-09-22 15:38` [0fec199]( - power vs. distance
* `2020-09-22 12:12` [e80e727]( - moving time over time
* `2020-09-22 12:04` [81ab76a]( - performance improvements and code refactoring
* `2020-09-21 15:09` [bac00c8]( - distance volume diagram
* `2020-09-19 21:11` [85953f4]( - bugfix: swiping between intervals
* `2020-09-19 18:34` [48a5a31]( - bugfix: don't hide interval list any more
* `2020-09-18 14:12` [9fc2b4c]( - use enhanced_avg_speed if avg_speed is maxed out
* `2020-09-17 18:18` [e49fc77]( - volume widget, sports selection & filtering
* `2020-09-17 12:24` [1acbe34]( - .png-generation for all lap charts
* `2020-09-17 12:15` [59ea6a1]( - .png-generation for all athlete and interval charts
* `2020-09-17 11:41` [ff5fc05]( - .png-generation for all activity charts
* `2020-09-16 18:42` [abd8666]( - .png-generation for more charts
* `2020-09-14 17:46` [5abe8da]( - unparseable activities should not be parsed
* `2020-09-14 17:39` [a6b2530]( - navigation to activity should be possible from feed list for all states
* `2020-09-12 09:02` [007d4d5]( - merge in changes for iOS
* `2020-09-12 08:59` [358a78e]( - bugfix: wrong records used for distance calculation
* `2020-09-11 16:09` [f9b7940]( - updated compile settings for iOS
* `2020-09-11 14:32` [c2282b8]( - clearing the changelog
* `2020-09-11 14:28` [aa023bd]( - version bump: 0.4.8
* `2020-09-11 13:44` [46c894a]( - navigate from Interval Feed Widget to Interval Show Screen via tap
* `2020-09-09 19:07` [eba26c9]( - show cursor as line + stripe
* `2020-09-09 14:38` [c5a1400]( - intervals feed
* `2020-09-09 13:01` [9a3fc26]( - autotag intervals, that have been created manually
* `2020-09-09 11:46` [d886eae]( - bugfix: clear interval cache, when new interval has been copied from lap
* `2020-09-09 11:40` [285e2c7]( - copy interval from lap including it's taggings
* `2020-09-09 10:15` [67a7abd]( - tags on interval level selectable, bugfix: reset interval after saving
* `2020-09-08 18:33` [b1b4056]( - bugfix: missing timeStamp on interval
* `2020-09-08 18:26` [8e909ed]( - back to proper caching of intervals
* `2020-09-08 18:15` [d5571b8]( - let's not cache intervals, they can be created
* `2020-09-08 17:58` [14d77c2]( - improve lap and interval lists
* `2020-09-08 17:47` [04b2cba]( - IntervalEcorWidget
* `2020-09-08 17:44` [97db32d]( - IntervalPaceWidget
* `2020-09-08 17:40` [2a0f854]( - IntervalSpeedWidget
* `2020-09-08 17:23` [fee7efd]( - IntervalPowerDurationWidget
* `2020-09-08 17:20` [ba37b09]( - IntervalAltitudeWidget
* `2020-09-08 17:18` [ca46c5c]( - IntervalVerticalOscillationWidget
* `2020-09-08 17:16` [6035ca1]( - IntervalStrydCadenceWidget
* `2020-09-08 17:14` [844c8fd]( - IntervalFormPowerWidget
* `2020-09-08 17:11` [117dfa5]( - IntervalLegSpringStiffnessWidget
* `2020-09-08 16:41` [ff261e5]( - IntervalGroundTimeWidget
* `2020-09-08 16:38` [bcfbbe9]( - IntervalPowerWidget
* `2020-09-08 16:36` [c714aaa]( - IntervalHeartRateWidget
* `2020-09-08 16:25` [f06c965]( - merged metadata into overview
* `2020-09-08 16:21` [8147842]( - ShowIntervalDetailScreen
* `2020-09-08 16:14` [94df217]( - ShowIntervalScreen and IntervalOverviewWidget
* `2020-09-07 18:36` [3ae43d0]( - bugfix: specify an interval has to be available for empty list, refresh list on back after interval creation
* `2020-09-07 18:21` [fc9ebb4]( - ignore events without timestamp or speed
* `2020-09-07 15:57` [1779847]( - caculate actual moving time on activity, lap and interval level
* `2020-09-07 15:32` [cb90f64]( - add movingTime for Laps and Intervals as database fields
* `2020-09-03 16:37` [3e1bbe4]( - edit any activity
* `2020-09-03 15:50` [caba41f]( - create manual activity
* `2020-09-03 09:52` [7709bcb]( - prevent last weight, power/heartRateZone/Schema from being deleted
* `2020-09-01 19:51` [77e6cf8]( - typo in heading
* `2020-09-01 19:49` [28df575]( - Edit Record Screen
* `2020-09-01 15:37` [3088b18]( - show event screen
* `2020-09-01 14:20` [bca23a7]( - data points list
* `2020-09-01 11:38` [92fc115]( - use PaginatedDataTable for Weights
* `2020-09-01 10:31` [2b9c746]( - exclude excluded activties from athlete diagrams, show block icon in acitvity list and feed for excluded activities
* `2020-08-31 20:00` [dffb8db]( - button on activity detail screen to exclude from / include into analysis
* `2020-08-31 19:42` [ebd7a74]( - denote nonParsable activities in activity feed and list
* `2020-08-31 19:25` [d13be57]( - prevent nonParsable, excluded and manual activities to be parsed
* `2020-08-31 15:46` [0df9c50]( - log entry deletion
* `2020-08-31 13:49` [703b5e6]( - show log detail screen
* `2020-08-31 13:34` [958c54a]( - create excluded, nonParsable and manual database fields for activity
* `2020-08-31 13:23` [419755a]( - bugfix: cachedEcor is now the proper way to display ecor
* `2020-08-30 13:39` [58f3ae5]( - log screen
* `2020-08-30 13:05` [bb5ccd7]( - catching parsing errors and logging stacktrace
* `2020-08-27 17:07` [7025f78]( - lss on lap level [/1.2, * 1.2]
* `2020-08-27 17:03` [287a641]( - added total timer time to lap list
* `2020-08-27 16:51` [55870fc]( - moved total timer time from metadata to overview widget on lap level
* `2020-08-26 16:03` [8ba49e4]( - bugFix: now cachedEcor to read cached value
* `2020-08-26 15:54` [ab21675]( - refactoring ecor and weight derivation, added ecor to activity feed
* `2020-08-26 14:24` [0996cfa]( - ecor consistently in kJ/kg/km
* `2020-08-26 14:13` [b0403c9]( - flip vertical axes for pace charts on activity and lap level
* `2020-08-26 14:05` [955d5fb]( - bugfix: Base(bpm) for heart rate zone schema list
* `2020-08-21 15:18` [4262f1a]( - athlete diagram needs average Heartrate as a double
* `2020-08-21 15:02` [181503c]( - fixed some more -1 values to be displayed as n.a.
* `2020-08-20 15:45` [cfcec5e]( - version bump, changelog
* `2020-08-20 13:01` [3c8cf9d]( - cleanup of - - - Strings, cleanup of pace helper functions
* `2020-08-20 12:54` [f76870b]( - cleanup of - - - Strings, num_utils, switch lap list and interval list to stateful widgets
* `2020-08-20 12:28` [34552fa]( - fallback to oldest HeartRateZoneSchema / PowerZoneSchema, if no schema old enough can be found
* `2020-08-20 12:17` [bf39431]( - enforce heartRate zone schema input in wizard
* `2020-08-20 12:12` [12e9c7f]( - enforce power zone schema input in wizard
* `2020-08-20 11:35` [0c6729c]( - enforce body weight input in wizard
* `2020-08-20 10:23` [c5c16df]( - removing resetIcons from heartRateZoneSchemaScreen and powerZoneSchemaScreen
* `2020-08-20 10:02` [e38c73f]( - heart rate zone list shows Limits(W) instead of Limits(bpm)
* `2020-08-20 09:56` [ee443bb]( - layout of buttons in athlete ftp view and athlete filter widget
* `2020-08-20 09:25` [a64ab74]( - flip vertical axis for athlete pace chart
* `2020-08-19 18:22` [75874cf]( - loading status for athlete views
* `2020-08-19 15:56` [2ead107]( - switching all lap views to physical quantities
* `2020-08-19 12:40` [2589d1b]( - bugfix: show only views available on lap level
* `2020-08-19 12:36` [e6daeab]( - switching more activity views to physical quantities
* `2020-08-19 11:25` [854d4cd]( - switching more activity views to physical quantities
* `2020-08-19 10:42` [fb84caf]( - switching more activity views to physical quantities
* `2020-08-18 18:47` [7cfec80]( - switching even more activity views to physical quantities
* `2020-08-18 16:02` [1cc8d0c]( - switching more activity views to physical quantities
* `2020-08-18 14:31` [e8686fd]( - switching the first activity views to physical quantities
* `2020-08-18 13:30` [6407f37]( - switch to physical quantities, alignment of rows
* `2020-08-18 12:41` [87a7b1e]( - switch to physical quantities on lap metadata view
* `2020-08-18 12:24` [8ffda4f]( - show only buttons for views with data on lap level
* `2020-08-18 11:31` [fecc65a]( - delete strava token feature
* `2020-08-17 16:12` [5dfe8a3]( - a few type conversion bugs
* `2020-08-17 15:27` [e60d6fe]( - allow empty activities to be diplayed and deleted
* `2020-08-14 21:47` [50192c4]( - removing unused code
* `2020-08-14 21:45` [8eaf47f]( - removing unused code
* `2020-08-14 21:38` [5029bdb]( - removing dataless view from show activity sceen, part 1
* `2020-08-14 21:30` [c07bd0b]( - physical quantity transition continued
* `2020-08-14 17:42` [3684523]( - more pq's
* `2020-08-13 19:27` [3e8fbd5]( - refactoring PQ to PQText
* `2020-08-13 15:55` [9ed675c]( - introducing physical quantity PQ
* `2020-08-13 14:08` [d1fb97a]( - logging
* `2020-08-13 13:47` [6377119]( - log table and wrapper class
* `2020-08-12 18:00` [0469dd0]( - bump ios version
* `2020-08-12 17:54` [89df3fa]( - version bump
* `2020-08-12 17:27` [beb2dde]( - iOS version bump
* `2020-08-12 17:06` [fba1140]( - updated Podfile
* `2020-08-12 15:48` [4cbabd3]( - updated fit_parser dependency
* `2020-08-07 13:12` [9aa57cb]( - show min and max speed as well
* `2020-08-07 12:39` [e49effe]( - cleaning up naming
* `2020-08-07 12:02` [01be337]( - bugfix: distance is total, not relative
* `2020-08-07 11:55` [f201d44]( - avgSpeeds
* `2020-08-07 10:59` [877599b]( - calculate avgSpeedByMeasurement, avgSpeedByTime and avgSpeedByDistance seperately
* `2020-08-07 10:00` [91992a9]( - updating dependencies, to be able to compile sqfentity_again for new avgSpeeds
* `2020-08-06 18:39` [57a0f6d]( - enhanced speed support, missing ascent and descent support
* `2020-08-06 12:45` [d80cd7b]( - version bump: 0.4.5
* `2020-08-06 09:26` [952206f]( - reduce stroke width
* `2020-08-06 08:33` [b098b65]( - added lap speed widget
* `2020-08-06 08:09` [983099c]( - merge flutter dependencies
* `2020-08-06 08:07` [826c4c3]( - y-axes intervals
* `2020-08-03 16:27` [4e2724f]( - mitigating some versioning issues on ios
* `2020-08-03 15:51` [f32bddd]( - version bump to 0.4.4 & bug in version number display
* `2020-08-03 15:36` [c37ce6f]( - hack to make strava_flutter multi user
* `2020-08-03 13:30` [1bda747]( - .fit-files may have non lower-case file ending for manual upload
* `2020-08-03 12:49` [ec35f4c]( - bump flutter version + display version below athletes list
* `2020-08-03 11:10` [49caca2]( - updated url_launcher, set android:launchMode to singleInstance
* `2020-08-03 10:42` [00ff271]( - actitities default sort order by timeCreated descending
* `2020-08-03 10:08` [83ea88e]( - alitude on lap level
* `2020-08-03 09:57` [acc9a9d]( - altitude on activity level
* `2020-07-29 20:41` [f3a9cae]( - update ios compilation settings
* `2020-07-29 20:24` [42e33e2]( - version bump: 0.4.2
* `2020-07-29 18:29` [9fe20fb]( - show only activities with an average heart rate > 20 bpm
* `2020-07-29 18:26` [80e3fbe]( - show intervals and CP only in debug mode
* `2020-07-29 16:52` [ec77322]( - interval list on activity level
* `2020-07-29 14:29` [15fa791]( - calculate ascent and descent, initialize interval after save
* `2020-07-29 14:14` [6c6d1c7]( - calculate interval
* `2020-07-29 12:55` [8115683]( - handover RecordList to Interval to calculate and save
* `2020-07-27 10:17` [a6fe157]( - color shading for interval, once it's selected
* `2020-07-27 10:04` [b0a8ebf]( - move interval boundaries
* `2020-07-24 15:36` [8a0dd08]( - basic selection of records for intervals
* `2020-07-24 14:14` [46b03fe]( - show record details and and do not smooth plot for intervall chart
* `2020-07-24 14:05` [e053398]( - transfer selection on interval screen into corresponding record
* `2020-07-24 11:51` [51c8500]( - bug in coloring
* `2020-07-24 11:37` [455a53b]( - ActivitySpeedWidget and ActivityIntervalWidget
* `2020-07-23 18:02` [ecb5fcd]( - Interval class for DbInterval data class
* `2020-07-23 17:21` [16407cb]( - more relations for intervals
* `2020-07-23 15:43` [d6e9473]( - introducing the interval data model part 2
* `2020-07-23 15:29` [3f3d1ec]( - introducing the interval data model
* `2020-07-23 14:05` [b8fd6b9]( - show tagGroup avatars in activity feed chips
* `2020-07-23 12:45` [6265ae1]( - spacing
* `2020-07-23 12:44` [828a512]( - stop user from going back in onboarding wizard once a user has been created, allow user to leave back using back, clear the stack after running through the wizard
* `2020-07-23 12:23` [8828a6b]( - hiding work/cp menu item from ShowActivitySceen
* `2020-07-23 11:50` [a3142aa]( - notice texts to double check base values, switch to columns to be able to have next buttons higher up on the screen
* `2020-07-22 17:40` [949412b]( - critical power implementation
* `2020-07-18 18:41` [a1e85fd]( - version bump 4.1
* `2020-07-17 15:46` [338edb0]( - work diagramm on activity level
* `2020-07-17 13:36` [177bfbc]( - ftp decay now 90 days
* `2020-07-17 13:12` [b04a6ab]( - ftp on athlete level improved
* `2020-07-17 12:39` [f09f154]( - ftp on athlete level
* `2020-07-16 17:27` [4c6053c]( - a first version of ftp on athlete level, but values are too low
* `2020-07-16 15:35` [89fd284]( - ftp diagram on activity level (done) and athlete level (prepared)
* `2020-07-16 13:50` [361b70c]( - introducing cp and ftp on activity and lap level
* `2020-07-16 10:59` [51207c5]( - cadence diagram on athlete level
* `2020-07-16 10:51` [2607445]( - scaling y-axes for stryd cadence charts
* `2020-07-16 10:18` [576d6c7]( - add 'diagram created' texts to power duration diagrams
* `2020-07-16 10:16` [76ad4cb]( - add 'diagram created' texts to all diagrams except power duration, fix in axes label on lap level
* `2020-07-15 22:24` [8898c5e]( - screenshotting a widget
* `2020-07-15 14:32` [1d348b4]( - lazy load tags in activities feed
* `2020-07-15 13:49` [87ec293]( - checking for stravaId before checking for username and password for feed as well
* `2020-07-15 13:46` [e36121f]( - checking for stravaId before checking for username and password
* `2020-07-15 13:40` [042e99e]( - lap list scrolling vertically
* `2020-07-15 12:53` [e00f72d]( - y-axes for form power, vertical oscillation and contact time on activity and lap level
* `2020-07-15 10:56` [09fc0d6]( - data enrichment has to be done for filter change as well
* `2020-07-15 10:10` [7a17b20]( - limit y-axes for pace charts
* `2020-07-13 20:36` [037a6e7]( - calculate sdev pace properly
* `2020-07-10 09:31` [f63cc87]( - version bump: 0.4.0
* `2020-07-09 15:12` [dde0b5c]( - wrapped 28 Scaffold bodies in SafeArea
* `2020-07-09 11:01` [72b98c4]( - heart rate on athlete level
* `2020-07-09 10:52` [cc10dea]( - pace on athlete level
* `2020-07-09 09:59` [4a1443e]( - pace on lap level
* `2020-07-08 16:04` [ad0dc7a]( - download single .fit-file now also triggers parsing it after the download has finished
* `2020-07-08 15:50` [9a51677]( - handle case for no data sent to bargraph distribution widget
* `2020-07-08 15:25` [0418a0b]( - removed unused imports
* `2020-07-08 15:21` [a4ba092]( - working to make checking the credentials more reliable
* `2020-07-08 13:39` [4f89544]( - refactor edit athlete sceens to use EditStravaAthleteWidget and EditStandaloneAthleteWidget part 2
* `2020-07-08 13:24` [f68c1ba]( - refactor edit athlete sceens to use EditStravaAthleteWidget and EditStandaloneAthleteWidget
* `2020-07-08 12:52` [bfec1f9]( - order tags by tagGroup
* `2020-07-08 11:23` [e7557e6]( - onboarding process working
* `2020-07-08 10:59` [c158525]( - weight fallback
* `2020-07-08 10:51` [2c76562]( - wizard for strava athlete
* `2020-06-16 17:37` [2edcb77]( - wizard for setting up standalone athlete
* `2020-06-16 15:59` [a9377eb]( - finetuning flushbars during demo account setup
* `2020-06-16 14:58` [8225ba7]( - should await flushbar.dismiss()
* `2020-06-15 18:53` [e129906]( - setup demo user
* `2020-06-15 16:45` [7084609]( - extracting actions from show athlete screen
* `2020-06-15 09:11` [36bd21c]( - refactoring onboarding process: continued
* `2020-06-12 16:25` [77f5bb8]( - onboarding process redesign started
* `2020-06-12 14:13` [49953a8]( - starting with BoardingWidget
* `2020-06-12 11:55` [5f0d8e9]( - add markdown support, swtich into screen to markdown, including links and headlines
* `2020-06-12 11:06` [73de79f]( - refactoring dashboard and extracting boarding widget'
* `2020-06-10 08:49` [1fecb36]( - version bump
* `2020-06-10 08:23` [631b2b2]( - charts with area below (I see the overshoot...)
* `2020-06-10 07:36` [cf9ad46]( - bugfix: consistent buttons
* `2020-06-09 16:43` [bf698d5]( - check strava credentials
* `2020-06-09 16:16` [daf849c]( - bugfix: zonelimitcalculations
* `2020-06-09 15:47` [609f863]( - finally storing data is working again, no clue why...
* `2020-06-09 13:55` [e046494]( - cleaning up: getters, setters, unnecssary futures
* `2020-06-09 13:44` [d3c031c]( - consistently caching min, max, sdev and averages for laps and activities
* `2020-06-09 12:07` [23a0275]( - cleanup
* `2020-06-09 11:52` [4760d32]( - bugfix: check for non persisted records
* `2020-06-09 11:24` [f96d605]( - bugfix: store athlete after receiving Strava-token, store credentials user specific
* `2020-06-08 18:57` [600f266]( - fixing return types
* `2020-06-08 18:51` [48669dd]( - hide db from Activity
* `2020-06-08 17:47` [8c8b4f5]( - refactoring fromDb connstructors to exDb static methods for more compact maps
* `2020-06-08 17:36` [5d7c6a2]( - hide db from Athlete
* `2020-06-08 15:55` [d175ac6]( - hide db from Lap
* `2020-06-08 14:33` [0810876]( - hide db from Event
* `2020-06-08 14:08` [cf4be37]( - hide db from HeartRateZone
* `2020-06-08 13:45` [d6c0ebb]( - hide db from HeartRateZoneSchema
* `2020-06-08 13:38` [aee84ff]( - hide db from PowerZone
* `2020-06-08 13:05` [a7099b3]( - hide db from PowerZoneSchema
* `2020-06-08 12:52` [2d40c87]( - hide db from Weight
* `2020-06-08 12:46` [f891987]( - hide db from LapTagging
* `2020-06-08 12:44` [a239da0]( - hide db from ActivityTagging
* `2020-06-08 12:42` [aa90527]( - hide db from Tag
* `2020-06-08 12:30` [a10e141]( - hide db from TagGroup
* `2020-06-08 11:15` [8d222dd]( - replace all Providers and all Models by Statefull Widgets
* `2020-06-08 10:44` [68af2e7]( - show Db classes explicitely
* `2020-06-08 10:36` [d1886a4]( - Revert "refactoring: Tag, TagGroup, LapTagging, ActivityTagging inheriting from Db classes directly"
* `2020-06-08 09:29` [43e4e91]( - refactoring: Tag, TagGroup, LapTagging, ActivityTagging inheriting from Db classes directly
* `2020-06-07 18:25` [8e26898]( - power duration curve interpreted as (average power) duration curve instead of (minimum power) duration curve
* `2020-06-07 12:46` [b275383]( - show tags in feed
* `2020-06-06 08:54` [be64cbc]( - tweaking bargraphs to be more decent
* `2020-06-06 08:42` [3ca5ec0]( - more compact bargraphs
* `2020-06-05 16:18` [f6e7145]( - let bargraphs scroll in both directions
* `2020-06-05 16:08` [64e54f9]( - show percentages in distribution bar charts
* `2020-06-05 13:11` [367248b]( - data alignment
* `2020-06-05 13:10` [4dc336b]( - move parse .fit-file into ShowActivityScreen
* `2020-06-05 12:53` [dc21eaf]( - move redownload .fit-file into ShowActivityScreen
* `2020-06-05 12:29` [3a6588f]( - move delete activity into ShowActivityScreen
* `2020-06-05 12:11` [9721c07]( - extract and refactor get tiles methods for staggered grid views
* `2020-06-05 11:08` [bdd9763]( - move editing credentials button to ShowAthleteScreen
* `2020-06-05 10:22` [7652913]( - left align buttons on activity and lap screen
* `2020-06-05 10:17` [9e9f575]( - split activities list in feed and list, activity file sharing on ios, styling of menus
* `2020-06-04 15:43` [54f342f]( - correct positioning of path
* `2020-06-04 15:22` [118b1fd]( - encapsulate tag groups within expanded widget to make them scrollable
* `2020-06-04 15:02` [85d1b59]( - path widget
* `2020-06-04 13:28` [a5f8fba]( - bugfix: avgEcor not displayed. ios/Flutter/ kicked out of git repo
* `2020-06-03 18:22` [9218873]( - version bump
* `2020-06-03 17:21` [ce07dd2]( - FilterWidget extracted, filtering enabled on all athlete widgets
* `2020-06-03 11:52` [7043443]( - bug: not each result set that is not empty is the first, even if the intermediate result set is empty
* `2020-06-02 18:27` [7bc6cc1]( - filter seems to be working
* `2020-06-02 12:45` [7b53418]( - ecor unit and naming
* `2020-06-02 11:20` [080cb4b]( - average ecor on ecor activity screen
* `2020-06-02 11:05` [224af5b]( - 3 decimal places for ecor in overview widget'
* `2020-05-30 15:05` [70edafd]( - bugfix: wrong type created
* `2020-05-30 14:58` [2c2a2eb]( - bugfix: lap scrolling broken
* `2020-05-29 14:33` [e500b11]( - powerZone and heartRateZoneDistribution
* `2020-05-29 11:05` [fc4a246]( - first version of bargraph
* `2020-05-29 07:10` [d3702dc]( - spacing between row elements
* `2020-05-28 19:41` [f61c286]( - xcode wants to update some settings...
* `2020-05-28 19:33` [3370999]( - update sqfentity _gen, layout on small devices
* `2020-05-28 18:58` [09822b7]( - version bump
* `2020-05-28 18:56` [bc82025]( - bugfix: t.b.d. may only affect title, not all the attributes!
* `2020-05-28 18:34` [b4c261f]( - merge dependencies
* `2020-05-28 18:32` [10b76c9]( - casting first, then rounding!
* `2020-05-28 18:09` [d8e3940]( - catch missing ascent
* `2020-05-28 15:41` [8a3bbd2]( - version bump
* `2020-05-28 15:40` [8d20927]( - wrap button text in flexible
* `2020-05-28 14:44` [77bd7c1]( - don't load tags/powerZones/heartrateZones if tagGroup/powerZoneSchema/heartrateZoneSchema is not persisted yet
* `2020-05-28 14:35` [c9bff3a]( - don't load tags if tagroup is not persisted yet
* `2020-05-28 14:17` [df2df46]( - add log output for debugging
* `2020-05-28 14:14` [6bc8f2a]( - fixed all linter warnings
* `2020-05-28 14:02` [f5860b8]( - fix more linter warnings
* `2020-05-28 12:58` [1ad66f5]( - fix more linter warnings
* `2020-05-28 11:30` [4b93822]( - fix more linter warnings
* `2020-05-28 09:32` [419081b]( - fix more linter warnings
* `2020-05-28 07:17` [eb66ae6]( - fix more linter warnings
* `2020-05-27 21:21` [a9333b4]( - fixing linter warnings
* `2020-05-27 17:58` [0a06d71]( - activated linter with flutter recommendations, started to follow warnings
* `2020-05-27 13:11` [f293be6]( - a bit of code cleanup
* `2020-05-27 11:08` [8527790]( - check for existance of heart rate zone schema and power zone schema
* `2020-05-27 10:29` [83b6e0c]( - ensure AutoPowerTagGroup and AutoHeartrateTagGroup exist
* `2020-05-26 13:56` [8322bc7]( - instroducing staggered grid to show screens
* `2020-05-26 13:17` [14e4d8e]( - activity and lap list a bit less dense
* `2020-05-26 13:02` [17cd44b]( - autotagging admin job, autotag new activities
* `2020-05-25 18:58` [41de5ac]( - autotaggings disabled, ordered by lower limit
* `2020-05-25 18:35` [05c715c]( - fix all charts
* `2020-05-25 16:54` [61db939]( - deleteAllAutoPowerTags to be able to debug, still bugs ahead
* `2020-05-25 15:41` [10a5ee1]( - refactoring => RecordList, ActivityList: continued 2
* `2020-05-25 14:15` [b84d9f0]( - refactoring => RecordList, ActivityList: continued
* `2020-05-25 14:07` [7185e08]( - introduce RecordList
* `2020-05-22 14:45` [bf55755]( - autotagging on actvity level
* `2020-05-22 10:29` [4ccfa21]( - version 0.3.1
* `2020-05-20 18:29` [77fac8c]( - y-axes scaling in activity diagrams according to heartRateZones
* `2020-05-20 17:14` [485031e]( - y-axes scaling in activity diagrams according to powerzones: bug! heartRateZones have to be taken into account as well
* `2020-05-19 13:40` [f9fa112]( - switch to staggered grid view and remove icons for activity and lap overview and metadata widget
* `2020-05-19 11:05` [3e9ee65]( - bugfix: filtering empty event.db records before saving
* `2020-05-16 09:05` [5941898]( - updated sqfentity_gen to latest version, that fixed the issues with relations for non persisted parents
* `2020-05-16 08:34` [18e79db]( - double checked for last version creation of sqfentity
* `2020-05-15 21:43` [03a9676]( - lap and activity tagging with staggered tile view finally working
* `2020-05-15 20:05` [518f2f1]( - fix the getChildren() for == null bug with if-conditions
* `2020-05-15 19:33` [2d3369c]( - tags on lap level, including bug: new taggroup contains all tags
* `2020-05-15 14:48` [0b16235]( - activities taggable
* `2020-05-15 10:15` [98afc6e]( - color scheme work
* `2020-05-15 09:44` [11f3808]( - color schema usage
* `2020-05-15 09:35` [8adcaaa]( - overview and metadata views on lap and activity level as grid, missing cached values on lap level
* `2020-05-14 15:56` [acb0813]( - lapTaggings, activityTaggings sqfentity models
* `2020-05-14 15:32` [33c7586]( - system generated tagGroups can only be inspected, not edited
* `2020-05-14 14:47` [ed3ba5c]( - update flutter, bug in counting existing tagGroups
* `2020-05-14 14:32` [0289e56]( - tag and tag cloud admin
* `2020-05-14 12:00` [7fdec90]( - model classes
* `2020-05-14 11:48` [9c70202]( - tag and tagGroup models
* `2020-05-14 10:52` [eca77bf]( - add ecor to activity overview
* `2020-05-13 17:08` [0da2f8b]( - instruction on updating current base values
* `2020-05-13 16:49` [508f711]( - gridview orientation fix in athlete diagrams
* `2020-05-13 14:30` [801b8c9]( - version bump 0.3.0
* `2020-05-13 14:15` [5759062]( - show selected activity in athlete diagrams, navigate to activity
* `2020-05-13 10:24` [ff13fdb]( - show at least 40 activities on athlete level
* `2020-05-12 16:26` [7586846]( - demo data import
* `2020-05-12 14:44` [94fc19a]( - ecor on athlete level
* `2020-05-12 13:54` [59bf0d0]( - some progress on athlete ecor chart (still displaying power data though)
* `2020-05-12 13:39` [75b322f]( - addresses #38
* `2020-05-09 13:32` [9027b15]( - name zone schema templates after base value
* `2020-05-08 13:24` [5684538]( - ecor on lap level not properly embedded
* `2020-05-08 11:47` [186c8cd]( - color scheme of list app bars
* `2020-05-08 11:39` [2daa33c]( - color scheme for list buttons
* `2020-05-08 11:34` [3f3710e]( - color scheme applied to app bars
* `2020-05-08 11:23` [887e2fc]( - disclaimer texts for lap diagrams
* `2020-05-08 11:13` [0027fad]( - swiping between laps for lap detail views
* `2020-05-08 08:23` [8a99595]( - switch lap detail screen from tabview to gridview, ecor on lap level
* `2020-05-07 15:27` [524f429]( - record aggregation configurable, disclosure of record filtering on activity level
* `2020-05-06 15:43` [28c4c14]( - ecor on activity level
* `2020-05-06 14:14` [5048cea]( - templates for zone schemas available, when a zone exists; Dillinger heart rate zone schema
* `2020-05-05 19:55` [810ceef]( - another unknown message number, optimizing for small screens
* `2020-05-05 19:12` [12e4095]( - version bump
* `2020-05-05 19:01` [8b19bce]( - stravaflutter in info.plist twice
* `2020-05-05 15:48` [d7c328f]( - switch to navigation buttons on activity level, ecor widget (still with power in it, though)
* `2020-05-05 14:07` [e886a57]( - heart rate zones in lap heart rate diagram
* `2020-05-05 13:34` [aaf964f]( - heart rate zones in activity heart rate diagram
* `2020-05-05 11:27` [7ca6c8a]( - heart rate zone and heart rate zone schema management
* `2020-05-05 09:59` [a916481]( - extend overview tabs by avg power, power/heart rate, sort order
* `2020-05-05 09:01` [c9bfb34]( - we need empty power zone list for updating
* `2020-05-05 08:57` [18677a1]( - power zone display on lap level
* `2020-05-05 08:23` [55e7499]( - proper check for empty zones
* `2020-05-04 15:24` [fa7c1fd]( - zones with alpha channel in activity overview
* `2020-05-04 12:03` [06e9df7]( - copy power zone schema including power power zones on date change, bugfix: maincolor was used instead of color for power zone picker
* `2020-05-04 11:04` [af0607f]( - updating base value updates power zones on screen, saving powerzone schema saves updated power zones as well
* `2020-05-04 10:42` [66b27e7]( - fix buttons on standalone user creation screen, 4 columns for grid view on landscape mode
* `2020-04-30 20:15` [26c2b89]( - power zone scheme dillinger
* `2020-04-30 18:13` [cdd8bd7]( - updated strava_flutter dependency
* `2020-04-30 14:55` [6d6a9c4]( - deployed
* `2020-04-30 14:34` [0c765a2]( - merged
* `2020-04-30 14:32` [078ccf2]( - ios environment
* `2020-04-30 14:29` [d5b1737]( - bump version
* `2020-04-30 13:30` [14a9eeb]( - Ubuntu font, color schema, theme data, power zone and power zone schema management
* `2020-04-29 18:06` [35f68ef]( - introducing my own theme MyTheme
* `2020-04-29 08:48` [50e16f8]( - working on power zone management
* `2020-04-28 17:49` [d07b493]( - power zone admin started
* `2020-04-28 14:05` [d875b1c]( - heading
* `2020-04-28 14:04` [9a50dcd]( - manage power schema zones
* `2020-04-28 11:26` [2b29f5b]( - update url schemata for strava_flutter
* `2020-04-25 18:11` [695acb6]( - downgraded sqfentity
* `2020-04-25 17:38` [ad4bb9b]( - version bump
* `2020-04-25 17:38` [5efe297]( - bugfix: speed should be existing, not power
* `2020-04-25 17:29` [46e9656]( - dependency update, bugfix: power dump, bugfix: missing flushbar
* `2020-04-25 16:47` [601d1cf]( - update strava_flutter should fix token hijacking, compatibility to Garmin 245 Music
* `2020-04-23 16:56` [2c94445]( - started with power zone admin
* `2020-04-23 14:57` [f474ccf]( - weightings management
* `2020-04-23 14:09` [7e5c69b]( - weight management
* `2020-04-23 11:22` [14641da]( - weights list
* `2020-04-22 17:18` [94517d5]( - import body weight from .csv working
* `2020-04-22 15:25` [f05c1d8]( - import weight csv-data: user interface
* `2020-04-22 11:09` [cc1d476]( - power zones, heart rate zones, weight
* `2020-04-21 09:16` [b601267]( - significant digits limited for avg heart rate
* `2020-04-21 08:49` [a8c82a7]( - significant digits increased for pr/hr
* `2020-04-21 08:41` [f36389f]( - update path_provider dependency, absolute paths in imports
* `2020-04-20 10:05` [5738f16]( - updated readme
* `2020-04-20 10:04` [2670e88]( - updated readme
* `2020-04-20 10:03` [8aa7999]( - Merge branch 'master' of
* `2020-04-20 10:03` [ba8787c]( - updated readme
* `2020-04-16 16:19` [7a732f6]( - version 0.2.1
* `2020-04-16 16:18` [4a68ceb]( - there is no externalStorageDirectory for iOS, just ApplicationDocumentsDirectory
* `2020-04-16 16:17` [89a7b9a]( - first deployment to app store
* `2020-04-16 13:44` [1388a3f]( - bump up version number to 0.2.0
* `2020-04-15 17:52` [ec1883c]( - filter avgHeartRate = 255
* `2020-04-15 17:10` [23d45e1]( - Form power average, more points in activity plots, filter 255 for heart rate, filter -1 for power
* `2020-04-15 16:06` [f836520]( - smooth only 15 data points instead of 30
* `2020-04-09 16:31` [c7467c0]( - merged
* `2020-04-09 16:29` [e618cab]( - lots of typos, more intro
* `2020-04-06 13:13` [9c19501]( - more documenation on standalone user
* `2020-04-06 13:02` [7c20be0]( - intro to standalone user
* `2020-04-05 22:55` [bcb4b27]( - typo
* `2020-04-05 22:49` [94588b3]( - findMyStryd
* `2020-04-05 10:00` [1b11d30]( - formPower cutoff value 200
* `2020-04-03 16:29` [0588157]( - extra card removed
* `2020-04-03 16:00` [8275496]( - delete athlete
* `2020-04-03 13:59` [d955cf8]( - allow users without strava connection
* `2020-04-03 12:55` [8a67c34]( - add another athlete
* `2020-03-19 15:52` [bff50ce]( - version bump
* `2020-03-19 14:59` [53a939c]( - batch import from local storage working
* `2020-03-18 17:06` [bf3d03e]( - import local .fit-files, filter insanely high power records
* `2020-03-18 10:22` [48cabba]( - progress on local upload
* `2020-03-18 08:27` [f496495]( - started to develop local file pickup
* `2020-03-17 15:36` [c887a0a]( - improvements on lap list layout
* `2020-03-16 22:12` [5ddf02f]( - stryd cadence bug, lap list scrollable, typos in help text, power in lap list
* `2020-03-16 10:37` [261d967]( - longer flash messages when downloading
* `2020-03-16 08:28` [496a70f]( - fit_parser version update
* `2020-03-11 18:02` [5486550]( - nontransparent icons for ios
* `2020-03-11 17:53` [54c03e6]( - first (unsuccessfull) build for iOS
* `2020-03-11 12:41` [6a5a6f0]( - consistently EnCrateia (no k)
* `2020-03-06 14:39` [8386fd6]( - read valid records in widget and transfer only those to chart for athlete
* `2020-03-06 14:23` [4e4f76f]( - read valid records in widget and transfer only those to chart
* `2020-03-06 12:16` [e2a8aa0]( - bug: catching cases, where data not available
* `2020-03-06 10:03` [da5c737]( - fine tuning flushbar presentation time
* `2020-03-06 09:53` [5e29a49]( - fixed: first athlete not loaded after saved via button
* `2020-03-06 09:00` [7b3a5e8]( - fixed: null heart rate on activity list
* `2020-02-27 13:36` [6b94ab5]( - moving calculations into it's own job instead of doing it on demand
* `2020-02-27 10:53` [54e4ea3]( - stride ratio on activity level
* `2020-02-27 09:00` [2cfa760]( - check for null heartRates
* `2020-02-26 18:50` [bacf846]( - glidingAverageSpeedPerHeartRate
* `2020-02-26 18:42` [6e7c851]( - glidingAveragePowerPerHeartRate
* `2020-02-26 17:30` [7e54dab]( - extract gliding enrichment
* `2020-02-26 16:45` [ebdda84]( - convert quartities to enums, extract enums into helper
* `2020-02-26 10:43` [3a35b30]( - gliding average power
* `2020-02-26 08:51` [2765c37]( - converted athlete screen to button table instead of tabview
* `2020-02-26 08:24` [bdaac7b]( - move show into onTap at actitvities list
* `2020-02-25 17:41` [e64befb]( - paladino power ratio
* `2020-02-25 15:47` [f664628]( - a screen with cards instead of tabs
* `2020-02-13 16:43` [7f7443f]( - screenshot fix
* `2020-02-10 21:26` [291bd22]( - wrong screenshot
* `2020-02-10 21:25` [f53bc9c]( - fixed links
* `2020-02-10 21:22` [264dc3c]( - fixed links
* `2020-02-10 21:20` [572cc4b]( - added some screenshots to readme
* `2020-02-10 20:43` [f464a23]( - (my ;-) ) bugfix release for strava_flutter, download intervall as setting
* `2020-02-08 20:14` [b4e2165]( - update strava_flutter, path_provider
* `2020-02-07 13:49` [247bcbc]( - streamlining onboarding process
* `2020-02-07 11:08` [2f66bc2]( - dashboard design
* `2020-02-07 11:04` [b4daba1]( - introduction screen
* `2020-02-07 08:55` [bf54668]( - speed per heart rate on activity level
* `2020-02-07 08:25` [3ca91ff]( - power per heart rate on activity level
* `2020-02-07 07:15` [886903e]( - sort widgets into directories
* `2020-02-06 20:29` [9ab14c4]( - speed / hr diagram
* `2020-02-06 20:10` [91f218f]( - power and power/heartrate charts on athlete level
* `2020-02-06 10:22` [0501737]( - message fine tuning
* `2020-02-06 10:17` [c8c0642]( - storing records lap wise in batches, proper relation from lap to record
* `2020-02-05 15:03` [12a8d98]( - download job, hiding floatingActionButton
* `2020-02-05 14:22` [0ede42f]( - flashbars for Strava-download and .fit-download
* `2020-02-05 12:35` [54e8571]( - back to storing laps and events individually, showing progress in flashbar
* `2020-02-04 13:41` [0471292]( - bug fix: activities list not refreshing after parsing, average data not updated
* `2020-02-04 13:17` [a4fbf21]( - bug fix: activities list not refreshing after download
* `2020-02-04 11:23` [d158b92]( - denser lap list
* `2020-02-04 11:15` [7f16d77]( - storing events and laps as via upsertAll (but actually it seems not a lot faster at all)
* `2020-02-04 08:27` [8a5fe47]( - remove unnecessary new keywords
* `2020-02-04 08:24` [4a5dce3]( - fixed bug in reading credentials asynchronously
* `2020-02-03 19:29` [b0a3a69]( - ectract icons
* `2020-02-03 18:22` [e664c42]( - replacing icons
* `2020-02-03 17:54` [22c578c]( - replacing icons
* `2020-02-03 12:53` [94a5a79]( - extracting icons
* `2020-02-03 12:41` [e98adb3]( - clean up lap charts
* `2020-02-03 11:55` [825e7ac]( - convert all activity widgets to use MyLineChart
* `2020-01-31 22:35` [531fa04]( - extracted LineChart defaults to MyLineChart
* `2020-01-30 12:23` [2fb3399]( - list activities viel -> list builder, seperators, icon differentiation
* `2020-01-29 16:41` [8d45ce5]( - reduce spacing between tiles
* `2020-01-29 16:05` [464caf1]( - switch to FloatingActionButton for Download
* `2020-01-29 15:26` [b5efa19]( - moved warning messages to snackbar
* `2020-01-29 13:05` [af7436b]( - vertical oscillation on lap and activity level
* `2020-01-29 12:03` [a986072]( - (stryd) cadence on lap and activity level
* `2020-01-28 16:06` [f15ff15]( - form power on lap level
* `2020-01-28 15:52` [4f7789b]( - form power on activity level
* `2020-01-28 13:33` [205c341]( - leg spring stiffness on lap level
* `2020-01-28 13:21` [59d32b4]( - leg spring stiffness on activity level
* `2020-01-28 12:56` [3bc93bc]( - async bug in Activity().setState
* `2020-01-28 12:27` [e817bec]( - ground time on lap level
* `2020-01-28 11:36` [0e0b07f]( - ground Time on activity level
* `2020-01-27 14:32` [dc0a46d]( - cache laps and records on activity level, records on lap level in memory
* `2020-01-27 13:53` [ce12246]( - cache average, min, max, sdev power in db on activity and lap level
* `2020-01-25 20:52` [351e134]( - overhauled activity list, fixed overflows for charts
* `2020-01-24 12:33` [e3659cc]( - switched to PopupDropdownMenu and fixed a lot of async issues
* `2020-01-23 16:17` [ab7ba6f]( - hopefully fixed the weird state message
* `2020-01-23 16:09` [20dbeb2]( - fixed non updating state after download of new episodes, download only new episodes, rename Duration.string() to Duration.asString()
* `2020-01-23 09:25` [5c4b899]( - power duration curve on lap and activity level, properly scaled logarithmically
* `2020-01-22 23:07` [233b786]( - power duration calculation & power duration curve for laps
* `2020-01-22 18:47` [609efe2]( - smoothing activity diagrams
* `2020-01-22 13:29` [85a069a]( - power and heart rate diagrams on lap and activity level
* `2020-01-21 15:33` [02be8f4]( - get more resilient against missing values
* `2020-01-21 13:25` [2157e33]( - switch icons
* `2020-01-21 12:56` [baccafb]( - filter 0 and null values from heart rate and power
* `2020-01-21 12:29` [c8497bc]( - icon color
* `2020-01-21 12:27` [86cf3c9]( - power and heart rate widget on activity level
* `2020-01-21 10:00` [07deb0a]( - power and heart rate widget, including standard deviation, min, max, average
* `2020-01-20 12:40` [0b60de2]( - pace instead of speed
* `2020-01-20 11:43` [b842805]( - einheiten
* `2020-01-20 11:35` [8f2d247]( - lap watch data completely in view
* `2020-01-20 10:51` [20c16b4]( - splitting up activity and lap watch data into oview and metadata
* `2020-01-19 19:46` [29c31d4]( - changes in layout
* `2020-01-18 12:29` [eabdcec]( - list view styling, lap detail screen and metadata widget
* `2020-01-17 15:32` [c551ba5]( - dataTable styling
* `2020-01-17 15:23` [156d242]( - decrease dataRowHeight
* `2020-01-17 15:20` [6d92e12]( - implemented dataTable for Laps
* `2020-01-17 13:00` [c667c3a]( - extracted LapsListWidget
* `2020-01-17 12:49` [f28dda9]( - extracted ActivityMetadataWidget
* `2020-01-17 11:45` [490286c]( - metadata tab for activity show
* `2020-01-16 15:48` [aee5f6e]( - activity show continued
* `2020-01-16 14:36` [9f15150]( - activity show screen started
* `2020-01-16 10:55` [6dc804e]( - bugfix: DbActivity was missing athletesId
* `2020-01-16 10:47` [b2dacb0]( - git delete leftover events and laps from prior runs
* `2020-01-15 18:06` [b160e48]( - first full storing of all records of a .fit-file
* `2020-01-15 13:27` [1b14d89]( - laps implemented, next up: session
* `2020-01-15 11:54` [0eed826]( - started to store laps in db
* `2020-01-14 15:49` [21849d3]( - storing records and markers, next up: laps
* `2020-01-14 14:18` [19ac33d]( - extraction of get and any for dataMessage
* `2020-01-13 18:17` [2d1e2d1]( - parsing continued
* `2020-01-13 14:07` [dfa0763]( - parsing of events started
* `2020-01-10 21:13` [7441074]( - parse .fit-File, ready to analyse to store in db
* `2020-01-10 15:03` [e20633b]( - stravaId got lost somehow, clean up code
* `2020-01-09 15:05` [702a370]( - updated strava_flutter, bug in state/geoState
* `2020-01-07 19:31` [013846b]( - introducing pana as linter
* `2019-12-30 13:13` [071ccbd]( - remove ButtonBarTheme
* `2019-12-29 21:06` [6e363f9]( - upgraded to using AndroidX, switched to VSCode
* `2019-12-12 16:46` [65f5bfd]( - cleaning up code
* `2019-12-12 14:09` [cfbe2a5]( - formatting cleanup
* `2019-12-12 14:03` [54d7677]( - move state into db
* `2019-12-12 12:48` [8fd6ae1]( - cache logged in state during app run
* `2019-12-11 17:07` [eb8ce58]( - A monster of a commit: Email and Password entered via Form ... stored in credentials ... used to download via web scraping from Strava Switched to provider
* `2019-11-13 17:20` [50e8b0d]( - remove headers
* `2019-10-10 18:29` [b2c9063]( - .fit's cannot be downloaded via api, so I have to scrape the web page...
* `2019-10-09 14:53` [d5be7e7]( - code cleanup
* `2019-10-08 15:29` [8f0440a]( - downloaded first activity summary, persistet and displayed
* `2019-10-08 14:22` [76cdabf]( - trigger episode download, but: High download request numbers
* `2019-10-08 12:31` [9c21f51]( - ListActivitiesScreen starting
* `2019-10-08 11:22` [70506b9]( - introducing ListActivitiesScreen
* `2019-10-02 14:26` [b76aa66]( - definition of activity: started
* `2019-09-20 17:20` [6c345c4]( - load athletes on startup
* `2019-09-20 16:01` [43b99cb]( - factory needs it's own initializer
* `2019-09-19 16:58` [6480ce2]( - refactoring
* `2019-09-19 16:46` [3a1432a]( - switch to sqfentity
* `2019-09-18 16:51` [0825952]( - create table athletes, if it does not exist
* `2019-09-18 14:50` [49f873a]( - persisting athlete, todo: create database and table
* `2019-08-18 15:11` [6e6b0f5]( - lots of small reformattings and reorganisations
* `2019-08-17 20:21` [3c79a87]( - fix all linting issues
* `2019-08-17 11:51` [fe55e2a]( - store data in scoped model
* `2019-08-17 11:14` [48e4d8c]( - copy data into athlete
* `2019-08-17 08:14` [8753384]( - extracted dashboard widget
* `2019-08-17 07:58` [ea388f4]( - use same attribute naming as strava
* `2019-08-16 19:27` [7d1ada8]( - first successfull request to Strava
* `2019-08-16 17:49` [1a249a3]( - failing with strava auth"
* `2019-08-16 16:45` [0e46668]( - do not version controll secrets
* `2019-08-15 21:04` [bc80c85]( - EditAthleteScreen as scoped model from Athlete
* `2019-08-15 15:39` [042d9d9]( - dashboard with help and create new athlete card widgets
* `2019-08-15 15:01` [1e727df]( - set application launcher icon
* `2019-08-14 17:06` [cb727b6]( - generated athletes bean
* `2019-08-12 20:58` [d3117f4]( - removed some boiler plate code
* `2019-08-12 20:48` [45a0871]( - app sceleton
* `2019-04-16 11:07` [c665291]( - Initial commit

View File

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 git log --pretty=format:'* `%cd` [%h]( - %d %s' --abbrev-commit --date=format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' >> changelog.txt
LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 git log --pretty=format:'* `%cd` [%h]( - %d %s' --abbrev-commit --date=format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' > changelog.txt

View File

@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.informatom.encrateia;
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.informatom.encrateia;
@ -533,7 +533,7 @@
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY = "Apple Development";
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = com.informatom.encrateia;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name: encrateia
description: Activity tracker data analysis for Android and iOS
version: 0.4.8
version: 0.4.9
sdk: ">=2.6.0 <3.0.0"